Research Area: Biologia Comparada

Advisor Research Line
Adriano Garcia Chiarello Mammal Ecology and Conservation
Annie Schmaltz Hsiou Paleozoology (main area: fossil reptiles, fossil lepidosaurs and squamates)
Ariovaldo Antonio Giaretta Taxonomy and Systematics of Anurans
Carlos Alberto Martinez y Huaman Plant ecophysiology
Eduardo Andrade Botelho de Almeida 2 Biogeography, comparative morphology, phylogenetics, and taxonomy
Eduardo Custódio Gasparino 2 Diversity of pollen morphology in angiosperms
Facundo Martín Labarque 2 Systematics and Evolution of Arachnids.
Felipe Bezerra Ribeiro Systematics and biology of crustaceans
Fernanda da Rocha Brando Fernandez Studies concerning the building of compared biology and ecology knowledge; environmental studies; studies focusing on educational processes in biology in different levels and spaces of teaching and learning
Fernando de Faria Franco 2 Population Genetics and Phylogeography of neotropical species
Fernando Luis Medina Mantelatto Systematic and taxonomy of Decapod Crustaceans
Flávio Alicino Bockmann Phylogenetic Systematics and Evolution: theory and history; systematics, taxonomy, comparative anatomy and biogeography of Vertebrata, with emphasis on "fishes".
Leonardo Maurici Borges 2 Plant taxonomy and evolution
Lilian Al-chueyr Pereira Martins Studies concerning the building of compared biology and ecology knowledge; environmental studies; studies focusing on educational processes in biology in different levels and spaces of teaching and learning
Marcelo Pereira 2 Studies on language and science and biology teaching, training of science and biology teachers, environmental education and science and biology teaching in formal and non-formal spaces.
Marcelo Tadeu Motokane Studies concerning the building of compared biology and ecology knowledge; environmental studies; studies focusing on educational processes in biology in different levels and spaces of teaching and learning
Maria Elina Bichuette Ecology and Evolution of Subterranean Fauna
Mariela Cordeiro de Castro 2 Integrative Biology of Vertebrates.
Maura Helena Manfrin Evolutionary biology.
Max Cardoso Langer Vertebrate Palaeontology
Milton Groppo Junior Plant Systematics.
Mirian Liza Alves Forancelli Pacheco 2 Systems paleobiology, astrobiology, fossildiagenesis, experimental taphonomy, paleometry.
Régis Augusto Pescinelli Biology and Ecology of Crustaceans
Ricardo Macedo Corrêa e Castro 2 Systematics and evolution of fishes.
Rodrigo Augusto Santinelo Pereira
Simone de Pádua Teixeira Comparative Embryology of Angiosperms. Flower Development and Evolution.
Tiana Kohlsdorf Vertebrate Evolution, with focus on Ecomorphology, EvoDevo and EcoEvoDevo.
Tomas Ferreira Domingues
Wagner Ferreira dos Santos 2 Neuropharmacology, Toxinology and Neuroetology. Primate conservation.
Wilfried Klein

1 Accreditation only for the Master Degree.
2 Timely Accreditation: requires approval by the CCP, CPG and CoPGr for each student.
